Well it's been a while since Numa Boots was actually very active and truth be told the site was hit very hard by the loss of MegaUpload and never really got back on it's feet. Switching to Rapidshare didn't go to plan as they delete inactive files very quickly. Despite these set backs I have decided to give the site some attention early in 2013 and get the links live again with a different file host.
Thanks for your patience and have a great Xmas and New Year!
Rob/Numa Boots
Numa Boots
Welcome To Numa Boots!
Welcome to Numa Boots, a site designed to bring you only the best quality Gary Numan bootlegs. This is intended for fans, and is non profit and I ask anyone downloading from this site to respect that and to always support Gary by purchasing official releases. No commercially released material will be posted here, and I will honour the wishes of Gary and his representatives and remove any material if asked to do so. At Numa Boots we believe quality is better than quantity so that's exactly what we want....Soundboard recordings, radio broadcasts, studio demos etc.... or exceptional audience recordings. If you have anything that you think must be heard then let me know...it's good to share! Follow us on Twitter @Numaboots Join us on Facebook Numa Boots Email us numaboots@hotmail.co.uk
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Cambridge Junction, 30th May 2012 (Machine Music Tour)
This one was sent in by Joff and then tweaked and enhanced by Bill Davies so BIG THANKS to them both!
03.The Fall
06.Call Out The Dogs
07.Dominion Day
08.This Wreckage
10.That's Too Bad
11.In A Dark Place
12.Down In The Park
14.Love Needs No Disguise
16.I Die : You Die
17.We Are Glass
20.Are "Friends" Electric?
Machine Music Tour Compilation 2012
This has been sent in as a great document of the "Machine Music" Tour. It is various recordings from various venues with some sound enhancements as well. Keep your eyes peeled for the full Cambridge show that I will be posting soon once it has been tweaked a bit!

03.The Fall
06.Call Out The Dogs
07.Dominion Day
08.This Wreckage
10.That's Too Bad
11.In A Dark Place
12.Down In The Park
14.Love Needs No Disguise (With Rrussel Bell and Chris Payne)
16.I Die : You Die
17.We Are Glass
20.Are "Friends" Electric?
03.The Fall
06.Call Out The Dogs
07.Dominion Day
08.This Wreckage
10.That's Too Bad
11.In A Dark Place
12.Down In The Park
14.Love Needs No Disguise (With Rrussel Bell and Chris Payne)
16.I Die : You Die
17.We Are Glass
20.Are "Friends" Electric?
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Ced Sharpley R.I.P.
It is with sad heart that news comes in about the passing of Ced Sharpley. Ced was an important part of the Numan band both live and in the studio adding his distinctive drum sound to albums such as "The Pleasure Principle", "Telekon", "Dance" and "Berserker". He was also a founding member of Dramatis alongside Rrussell Bell, Chris Payne and Denis Haines who had recently announced the reunion of the band with a new album coming by the end of the year. Gary Numan posted that "Rrussell Bell has just told me that Cedric has died. I don't know what to say. Shocked and very, very sad."
Sunday, 4 March 2012
It looks like Rapidshare deletes anything that hasn't been downloaded for 30 days, so what I will do rather than try and keep on top of this for gigs that potentially people have got or don't want is create this post in order for people to tell me about dead links of gigs they are interested in downloading.
Simply leave a comment on this post of the gig (venue/year etc) and I will re-up them asap. I have a new ISP from next week so that should be easier as well, fingers crossed!
Simply leave a comment on this post of the gig (venue/year etc) and I will re-up them asap. I have a new ISP from next week so that should be easier as well, fingers crossed!
Sunday, 12 February 2012
QM Union Glasgow 6th December 2006 (Telekon Tour)
So remember if you have anything to share with you fellow Numan fans then just let me know!
01.This Wreckage
02.Remind Me To Smile
03.I Dream Of Wires
05.The Aircrash Bureau
07.Sleep By Windows
08.Please Push No More
09.Remember I Was Vapour
10.I'm An Agent
11.We Are Glass
12.The Joy Circuit
13.A Game Called Echo
14.I Die : You Die
15.Down In The Park
16.Are "Friends" Electric?
This has been sitting on the request list for quite some time now and it's nice to know you guys are still looking out for each other as Musky03 sent this to me today to finally fill the request! Many thanks as always Musky - top man! Quality wise it's an audience recording which is a bit murky on the vocal but overall isn't too bad, check the sample if in doubt! Artwork included.
So remember if you have anything to share with you fellow Numan fans then just let me know!
01.This Wreckage
02.Remind Me To Smile
03.I Dream Of Wires
05.The Aircrash Bureau
07.Sleep By Windows
08.Please Push No More
09.Remember I Was Vapour
10.I'm An Agent
11.We Are Glass
12.The Joy Circuit
13.A Game Called Echo
14.I Die : You Die
15.Down In The Park
16.Are "Friends" Electric?
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Electric Ballroom, Camden, London 26th September 1991 (The Emotion Tour)
https://rapidshare.com/#!download|683tl2|1763258854|Numan_Electric_Ballroom_26th_Septrember_1991.zip|172041|R~0|0|0|RapidPro expired. (34fa3175)
This is a great find sent in by Musky03 (thanks matey!) I will let him tell you about it in his own words....
"In 1991, I met a guy, now a friend, who was a big Numan fan. He was still very keen, whilst my interest was declining. Nevertheless, we travelled from Sussex up to Camden for one of the gigs at the Electric Ballroom (26th September). I am pretty sure that this is a recording of this gig, the reason being, that as I said Numan wasn't doing it for me by this point, so I was no longer buying the albums let alone acquiring bootlegs, but my mate sent me this one as a record of the gig. I no longer have the tape so cannot check for sure."
This is a SOUNDBOARD source and despite a couple of tracks that are cut short for tape flips etc ("America" is only the first minute for instance) this is an excellent recording.
03.Call Out The Dogs
04.Your Fascination
09.The Sleeproom
"In 1991, I met a guy, now a friend, who was a big Numan fan. He was still very keen, whilst my interest was declining. Nevertheless, we travelled from Sussex up to Camden for one of the gigs at the Electric Ballroom (26th September). I am pretty sure that this is a recording of this gig, the reason being, that as I said Numan wasn't doing it for me by this point, so I was no longer buying the albums let alone acquiring bootlegs, but my mate sent me this one as a record of the gig. I no longer have the tape so cannot check for sure."
This is a SOUNDBOARD source and despite a couple of tracks that are cut short for tape flips etc ("America" is only the first minute for instance) this is an excellent recording.
01.Intro (Hanoi)
02.Me! I Disconnect From You03.Call Out The Dogs
04.Your Fascination
09.The Sleeproom
10.Are "Friends" Electric?
11.Soul Protection
13.From Russia Infected
14.My World Storm
16.Cold Metal Rhythm
18.Young Heart
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Machine Music Tour Dates In Full

Support is from Officers and not the rumoured Jayce Lewis. Find out more about the band here http://www.officers.uk.com/ (please note they are not appearing on the Dublin date).
22nd May Leicester Academy
23rs May Glasgow ABC
24th May Newcastle Academy
25th May Sheffield Academy
26th May Dublin Button Factory
28th May Bournemouth Academy
29th May Bristol Academy
30th May Cambridge Junction
31st May Birmingham HMV Institute
1st June London The Forum
2nd June Cardiff Coal Exchange
3rd June Brighton Dome
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Machine Music DVD Announced and Tour
Garys official Facebook page has updated us all on what's going on after ticket agencies "let the cat out of the bag" a bit earlier than they were meant to (see previous post).
"Machine Music" will be a DVD featuring "the best" of the official promo videos and some rare TV appearances. This will be supported by a 12 date tour at the end of May and beginning of June all of which will be announced officially tomorrow! We will post the dates as soon as we can.....see you on tour!
"Machine Music" will be a DVD featuring "the best" of the official promo videos and some rare TV appearances. This will be supported by a 12 date tour at the end of May and beginning of June all of which will be announced officially tomorrow! We will post the dates as soon as we can.....see you on tour!
New Tour Dates
Well it seems the "big announcent" promised for this week is a mini tour at the end of May and beginning of June. Nothing has come through official channels yet however See Tickets already have the dates up for what they have called the "Machine Music" tour. The four dates (so far) are....
25th May - O2 Academy Sheffield
30th May - Junction 1 Cambridge
31st May - HMV Institute Birmingham
1st June - HMV Forum London
Tickets are available now from http://www.seetickets.com/Tour/GARY-NUMAN
Rumour has it that support once again will be from Jayce Lewis who seemed to go down well with fans on the Dead Son Rising tour.
25th May - O2 Academy Sheffield
30th May - Junction 1 Cambridge
31st May - HMV Institute Birmingham
1st June - HMV Forum London
Tickets are available now from http://www.seetickets.com/Tour/GARY-NUMAN
Rumour has it that support once again will be from Jayce Lewis who seemed to go down well with fans on the Dead Son Rising tour.
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Ultravox - Mayflower Club, Manchester 27th August 1980
SAMPLE Sleepwalk
Another Ultravox show that I hadn't got round to posting, this one is not as good quality as the previous posts. It is quite interesting as it is after the release of the "Vienna" album - the first top ten album the band had but before the massive chart success the following year the title track would have as a single. In hindsight the Gary Glitter cover might not have been that wise but it was 1980 - who knew!
SAMPLE Sleepwalk

02.New Europeans
03.Passing Strangers
04.Quiet Man
05.Face To Face
07.Western Promise
09.Slow Motion
10.Hiroshima Mon Amour
11.We All Stood Still
13.Private Lives
14.King's Lead Hat
15.Rock And Roll Part 1
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Thanks Clive!
After the closure of Megaupload I started loading all posts to Rapidshare to try and get things back to normal asap, being a one man show this was a slow process not helped by the fact that my net speed isn't the best. I was talking to my friend Clive (who saw his first Numan show in December!) and he stepped up and offered to help get the posts back up as quickly as possible....he has links now for a lot of the early posts on Numa Boots which I will start posting this weekend. We will both continue to work until we are completely live again. So can I just take this moment to give Clive a massive shout out and thank him for all the work he is doing in this hour of need!
Clive You The Man!
Clive You The Man!
Ultravox - "Whiskey All Round" 30th December 1979
I got an email yesterday asking if I could re-up the Ultravox and the John Foxx posts which should all now be live again. While I was doing this I realised I had some other Ultravox recordings I hadn't posted so here is one of those now!
This is titled "Whiskey All Round" and is from the American tour at the end of 1979 shortly after the departure of Foxx and before the release of the "Vienna" album. It's an audience recording which has some intrusive moments of conversation (that is unless you want to know what someone thinks of the new Jam album!) but the music is good and the band have a good vibe even in the "new streamlined" line up!
02.New Europeans
03.Quiet Man
04.Sound To Sound
05.All Stood Still
06.Mr X
07.Western Promise
08.Slow Motion
10.I Can't Stay Long
11.Kings Lead Hat
Photo Credit : Grundnick with many thanks
I got an email yesterday asking if I could re-up the Ultravox and the John Foxx posts which should all now be live again. While I was doing this I realised I had some other Ultravox recordings I hadn't posted so here is one of those now!
This is titled "Whiskey All Round" and is from the American tour at the end of 1979 shortly after the departure of Foxx and before the release of the "Vienna" album. It's an audience recording which has some intrusive moments of conversation (that is unless you want to know what someone thinks of the new Jam album!) but the music is good and the band have a good vibe even in the "new streamlined" line up!
02.New Europeans
03.Quiet Man
04.Sound To Sound
05.All Stood Still
06.Mr X
07.Western Promise
08.Slow Motion
10.I Can't Stay Long
11.Kings Lead Hat
Photo Credit : Grundnick with many thanks
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Back Stage Book nears launch date!
Written by Stephen Roper from The Touring Principle site "Back Stage - A Book Of Reflections" is an in depth look at Numans career between 1979 and 198, the peak of Gary' commercial peak.
So what's it all about? This is what the author had to say on TTP...
"This is the inside story in the words of those that were directly involved in producing some of the most influential electronic pop music of the time. Over a period of three years, I have interviewed most of the original band members, record company executives and the technical crew responsible for Numan's spectacular live concerts. All the interviews were conducted in person and everyone has expressed themselves openly, often with a great deal of humour and a fondness for their time spent with Gary."
It features contributions from Gary Numan himself and members of the "Numan Band" as well as contemporary artists such as John Foxx, Jim Kerr and Andy McCluskey...not to mention Nash The Slash!
The book costs £24.99 + p&p OR for those in the London area you can pick up the book at a unique launch party for the inclusive price of £30. The launch party is on the 10th March 2012 at The Old Bell in Westminster and starts at 7pm. Those listed at attending so far include Ced Sharpley, Chris Payne, Russell Bell and Steve Webbon. You can get all the latest at TTP or on the books Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/backstagenuman?sk=wall
Details and order links are here.... http://www.thetouringprinciple.co.uk/orders.html

"This is the inside story in the words of those that were directly involved in producing some of the most influential electronic pop music of the time. Over a period of three years, I have interviewed most of the original band members, record company executives and the technical crew responsible for Numan's spectacular live concerts. All the interviews were conducted in person and everyone has expressed themselves openly, often with a great deal of humour and a fondness for their time spent with Gary."
It features contributions from Gary Numan himself and members of the "Numan Band" as well as contemporary artists such as John Foxx, Jim Kerr and Andy McCluskey...not to mention Nash The Slash!
The book costs £24.99 + p&p OR for those in the London area you can pick up the book at a unique launch party for the inclusive price of £30. The launch party is on the 10th March 2012 at The Old Bell in Westminster and starts at 7pm. Those listed at attending so far include Ced Sharpley, Chris Payne, Russell Bell and Steve Webbon. You can get all the latest at TTP or on the books Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/backstagenuman?sk=wall
Details and order links are here.... http://www.thetouringprinciple.co.uk/orders.html
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Newcastle Riverside 3rd October 1991 (The Emotion Tour)
NEW LINK https://rapidshare.com/files/2891126849/Newcastle Riverside 3rd October 1991 (Emotion Tour).rar
02.Me! I Disconnect From You
03.Call Out The Dogs
04.Your Fascination
09.The Sleeproom
10.Are "Friends" Electric?
11.Soul Protection
13.From Russia Infected
14.(Interval 3)
15.My World Storm
17.Cold Metal Rhythm
19.Young Heart
It's always nice when someone sends in a Numan recording and this one comes from our good friends at The Numan Folder who emailed last night to say they had just added this soundboard recording from the "Emotion" tour of 1991. So it's with many thanks to them (as always!) that we can post this here for you all to hear! We have posted a few shows from this tour but this being a soundboard recording makes it well worth getting.

02.Me! I Disconnect From You
03.Call Out The Dogs
04.Your Fascination
09.The Sleeproom
10.Are "Friends" Electric?
11.Soul Protection
13.From Russia Infected
14.(Interval 3)
15.My World Storm
17.Cold Metal Rhythm
19.Young Heart
Monday, 23 January 2012
Tubeway Days announce another gig!
Tubeway Days, who as the name suggests are a Numan "tribute band" of some note, have announced that they will be playing at the Newhampton Arts Centre, Wolverhampton on Saturday 21st of May 2012. For those still to experience Tubeway Days I suggest you check out youtube where you will find a host of clips from the bands previous gigs.
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Megaupload Statement
It looks like MEGAUPLOAD are the latest online file hosting site that have been targeted for legal action...see the report here http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2399105,00.asp
So....what does that mean for Numa Boots?
Well it means a hell of a lot of work has just gone down the pan! Links currently will not load as every recording we posted used Megaupload! In the long term let's hope the situation is settled and the links become active again but in the short term we have some thinking to do......
*We could post everything into The Numan Folder (we would have to clear that with them first!)
*We could use a different file host - but which one? (any suggestions?)
*If you have any burning requests for a previously posted concert then email me numaboots@hotmail.co.uk and I will prioritise that for re-upping.
I have started uploading to Rapidshare for now...Hatfield and SHOWstudio are both up....new posts will be uploaded in this way too. All Megaupload links will be left in place until we see where the dust falls, there may be some fight in them and hopefully they will be back before too long! So any previous post that you want that I haven't got round to re-upping just let me know (email as above) and I will get them sorted as quickly as possible. (Dramatis will be back up tonight!)
Numa Boots will not be throwing in the towel or disappearing, we are here as Numan fans to share our passion and promote Garys work. We will continue to do this for a long long time!
The Simpsons.... Kevin Spencer has done some great re-workings of Numan covers featuring various Simpsons characters which always make me smile, so hopefully he won't mind me sharing this one with you!
So....what does that mean for Numa Boots?
Well it means a hell of a lot of work has just gone down the pan! Links currently will not load as every recording we posted used Megaupload! In the long term let's hope the situation is settled and the links become active again but in the short term we have some thinking to do......
*We could post everything into The Numan Folder (we would have to clear that with them first!)
*We could use a different file host - but which one? (any suggestions?)
*If you have any burning requests for a previously posted concert then email me numaboots@hotmail.co.uk and I will prioritise that for re-upping.
I have started uploading to Rapidshare for now...Hatfield and SHOWstudio are both up....new posts will be uploaded in this way too. All Megaupload links will be left in place until we see where the dust falls, there may be some fight in them and hopefully they will be back before too long! So any previous post that you want that I haven't got round to re-upping just let me know (email as above) and I will get them sorted as quickly as possible. (Dramatis will be back up tonight!)
Numa Boots will not be throwing in the towel or disappearing, we are here as Numan fans to share our passion and promote Garys work. We will continue to do this for a long long time!
The Simpsons.... Kevin Spencer has done some great re-workings of Numan covers featuring various Simpsons characters which always make me smile, so hopefully he won't mind me sharing this one with you!
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
In Your Face SHOWstudio 2011
NEW LINK https://rapidshare.com/files/1596566598/In_Your_Face_SHOWstudio.rar
Gary was invited to perform for the "In Your Face" series on web site SHOWstudio ( http://showstudio.com/ ) and chose to use the opportunity to showcase 3 tracks from "Dead Son Rising" plus the modern arrangement of "Are "Friends" Electric?". The brief was for artists to "perform their most emotive and emotional songs, in a stripped-back, intimate and entirely personal set." These were streamed live on SHOWstudio and were then made available on demand. Watch the excellent videos for all 4 tracks at http://showstudio.com/project/in_your_face_music#gary_numan
This is highly recommended!
01.Dead Sun Rising
02.When The Sky Bleeds, He Will Come
03.For The Rest Of My Life
04.Are "Friends" Electric?

This is highly recommended!
01.Dead Sun Rising
02.When The Sky Bleeds, He Will Come
03.For The Rest Of My Life
04.Are "Friends" Electric?
Friday, 13 January 2012
Newcastle City Hall 4th December 1984 (Berserker Tour)
NEW LINK https://rapidshare.com/files/3852294213/Newcastle_City_Hall_4th_December_1984__Berserker_Tour_.rar
SAMPLE The Iceman Comes
09.Cold Warning
10.Down In The Park
11.This Prison Moon
12.I Die : You Die
13.My Dying Machine
15.We Take Mystery (To Bed)
16.We Are Glass
17.This Is New Love
SAMPLE The Iceman Comes
One for all the "Berserker" fans out there....the set list should be pretty familiar especially if you have the "Cold Warning" DVD filmed at the Hammersmith Odeon at the close of the tour. Sound is ok but not perfect so check out the sample first.
04.Me! I Disconnect From You
05.Remind Me To Smile
06.Sister Surprise
08.The Iceman Comes02.Beserker
04.Me! I Disconnect From You
05.Remind Me To Smile
06.Sister Surprise
09.Cold Warning
10.Down In The Park
11.This Prison Moon
12.I Die : You Die
13.My Dying Machine
15.We Take Mystery (To Bed)
16.We Are Glass
17.This Is New Love
18.My Shadow In Vain
19.Are "Friends" Electric?
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Nottingham Rock City 18th April 1999
NEW LINK https://rapidshare.com/files/1637423229/Nottingham_18th_April_1999.rar
SAMPLE Jo The Waiter
This was the first gig of a very quiet year for live performances with only four shows being played in total for the whole year. This is another show sourced from The Numan Folder and thank you to the person who highlighted that I had missed this one on the resource links for the Festivals & One Off Shows section here. This show has one of those "human" moments when Gary loses his way at the beginning of "Exile" and has to restart as he "totally fucking forgot how it went"!
03.Dead Heaven
05.Everyday I Die
08.Alien Home (One Perfect Lie)
09.Exile (False Start)
12.The Angel Wars
14.Down In The Park
15.Dominion Day
16.Are "Friends" Electric?
17.I Die You Die
18.You Are In My Vision
20.Jo The Waiter
I don't have a relevant picture to go with this one so if anyone has then let me know!
SAMPLE Jo The Waiter
This was the first gig of a very quiet year for live performances with only four shows being played in total for the whole year. This is another show sourced from The Numan Folder and thank you to the person who highlighted that I had missed this one on the resource links for the Festivals & One Off Shows section here. This show has one of those "human" moments when Gary loses his way at the beginning of "Exile" and has to restart as he "totally fucking forgot how it went"!
03.Dead Heaven
05.Everyday I Die
08.Alien Home (One Perfect Lie)
09.Exile (False Start)
12.The Angel Wars
14.Down In The Park
15.Dominion Day
16.Are "Friends" Electric?
17.I Die You Die
18.You Are In My Vision
20.Jo The Waiter
I don't have a relevant picture to go with this one so if anyone has then let me know!
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