It looks like MEGAUPLOAD are the latest online file hosting site that have been targeted for legal action...see the report here,2817,2399105,00.asp
So....what does that mean for Numa Boots?
Well it means a hell of a lot of work has just gone down the pan! Links currently will not load as every recording we posted used Megaupload! In the long term let's hope the situation is settled and the links become active again but in the short term we have some thinking to do......
*We could post everything into The Numan Folder (we would have to clear that with them first!)
*We could use a different file host - but which one? (any suggestions?)
*If you have any burning requests for a previously posted concert then email me and I will prioritise that for re-upping.
I have started uploading to Rapidshare for now...Hatfield and SHOWstudio are both posts will be uploaded in this way too. All Megaupload links will be left in place until we see where the dust falls, there may be some fight in them and hopefully they will be back before too long! So any previous post that you want that I haven't got round to re-upping just let me know (email as above) and I will get them sorted as quickly as possible. (Dramatis will be back up tonight!)
Numa Boots will not be throwing in the towel or disappearing, we are here as Numan fans to share our passion and promote Garys work. We will continue to do this for a long long time!
The Simpsons.... Kevin Spencer has done some great re-workings of Numan covers featuring various Simpsons characters which always make me smile, so hopefully he won't mind me sharing this one with you!